Friday, December 22, 2006


So we're dealing with some complications right now. My mother, very generously, gifted the twins with a bunk bed for Christmas. We've dismantled and moved their twin beds, we made space in our living room (the small one, with the tree) to house the 6 very large boxes. And there are no instructions. None. The delivery guys said there would be a set of instructions in every box, but they lied to us! Now we're trying to see if the bed can be assembled without directions and planning for the kids to camp out in the family room.

To add to the insanity, we have a guest coming tomorrow. A good friend, who will endure the craziness, but still.

And, it seems my kids are geniuses at choosing the hot holiday gifts. Which means, of course, that there are not any of these items to be had. Yes, they will have a nice Christmas and perfectly acceptable gifts will be produced. But they really aren't super-demanding kids and it makes me a little sad that they won't get the 2 things (one for Cha and a shared present for the twins -- which they asked for as a shared gift) they had their hearts set on.

[As I was typing away, Lou ran in screeching, "There are directions! We finally found them!" So, small favors and all that.]

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